Well talk about falling flat on my face! I love to talk one-on-one, take photos (obviously), edit photos (it's becoming a passion quickly), but blogging.... Well that is a different beast all by itself. I often sit at this desk late at night before bed thinking of topics to put on here and throw my two cents in on, but when it comes to typing them out I just draw a blank. I could list a slew of excuses, but, in reality, none of them are the reason. So, here goes entry number 2.
My inspiration! This is a photo of my fiancee Lori and I. I composed the photo she stood in the water (the background is a gorgeous waterfall that I will show you) while I focused the camera and made the adjustments for light, and I handed it off to her sister's boyfriend who snapped the shutter button for me. She has seen my passion for photography and encouraged it all along the way. She keeps me from being to critical of my work because often times I will go through and edit, look at it, walk away, and then come re-edit the same photo in the pursuit of perfection. While I admit I am not the best at what I do; I do give it my best. She sees the hair pulling moments of when I can't get something done the way I want it and how instead of letting frustration take me away from it I will often turn to resources and teach myself something new so I can do what I want with a particular photo.
I know this site should only showcase my very best work I don't always care to do so. I feel that showing someone how I progressed can be more impactful in showing off a skill. Case in point would be the following photos. The first was edited when it was taken.... (around 12 years ago) sorry to hurt your eyes with it..... The second one is the same original photo that I recently went back and wanted to see if I could touch it up and make something usable....
Amazing if you ask me.... the second one while still nowhere near what I'd like shows that improvement I was mentioning. Now Imagine this....taking it with a good camera, and applying the editing skills I have picked up....
As promised here is that gorgeous waterfall she and I posed in front of.